Intro into Secret Societies

Since the dawn of civilization, secret
groups and organizations have existed underneath the fabric of society. In the early
age of humankind, the priesthood of Fire and the Sun were the first initiates
into the science of the soul and will. These original guardians of the secret
of fire and the light of intellect believed only people of advanced minds were
worthy to receive the sacred knowledge. The priesthoods of antiquity conducted
themselves the same as the Fraternal orders of today. Their power is the
ability to control the perception of mankind through magical rites of initiation
that break down the psyche and direct emotion down a desired path. Secret societies
have always shared the outer shell of their teachings to the world through symbols.
Through the study of symbols, one can begin to unravel the mystery of sacred
knowledge hidden in their deeper meanings. This knowledge holds the keys to understanding
the inner workings of the will, how to purify the soul, or how to manipulate
the masses to cause chaos and destruction. In this series we will take a
journey through time and peel back the veil of myth and legend, as we knock on
the door of forgotten magic and natural law.
