Base Elements: Fire
In the secret societies, whose origins are in antiquity, fire represents the intellect - man’s ability to problem solve and think for oneself. To those mystery schools, it is fire that Prometheus stole from the gods to bring us out of bondage. In the secret societies, fire (intellect) will allow them to conquer man, conquer nature, and bring them into godhood (apotheosis). To the priesthoods of old, fire is a tool of control, which they manipulate to dictate the course of society and do so still today.
Fire in alchemy represents the start of the alchemical process. It is the passion and desire of an alchemist. Fire in its nature is both a creative force and a destructive one. It is the heat of the fire that purges away all impurities and refines us to our perfect form.
Fire is the generative force of mankind, whether sexual or mental, and is also a masculine force. It is the spark that gives life to all living things on our planet, both physically and metaphysically. Fire’s refining quality allows us to stand pure in the presence of the divine. “Can you stand the heat?” is a statement we all have heard and been affected by.
To the alchemist fire is a tool to be balanced, a tool of self-reflection, and a tool to bring about the greatest versions of ourselves. Fire is powerful and to be respected, but not worshiped. It is only when fire is used in accordance with the other elements that its full nature can come to fruition.